分享 Equestrian vaulting
arsalan 2012-2-7 10:12
Equestrian vaulting
Vaulting is the one equestrian discipline where up to 8 people can compete with one horse at the same time. Also unlike other disciplines, it is not necessary for a team of vaulters to have their own horses, all the costs of keeping and competing a horse can be shared. This makes vaulting a wonder ...
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分享 斑点马是虚构出来的吗?
arsalan 2012-1-31 15:28
大约两万五千年前,人类开始在欧洲洞穴的墙壁上画一种奇怪的生物。他们在犀牛、野牛以及其他的动物之间描绘了一种带有黑色斑点的白马。尽管这种马如今被广泛的饲养,但科学家们认为这种生物是不可能在被人类驯化(大约五千年前)之前存在。现在,一项关于史前马的 DNA 的研究得出以下结论:斑点马确实 ...
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分享 世界骑射协会奠基人
arsalan 2012-1-30 22:20
Kassai Lajos Unquestionably the best Horseback Archer on the planet today!! Warrior, horseman, teacher, anthropologist and author. The founder of H.A.W.A. the Horseback Archers World Association and the modern horseback archery competition, Kassai Lajos has restored the lifestyles a ...
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分享 骑射运动在英国--文摘
arsalan 2012-1-30 00:41
Horseback Archery is the latest equestrian/archery sport to come into the UK, imported from Hungary and Germany just a few years ago. This highly exciting sport is a combination of horse riding and great horsemanship with the skill of archery it makes this sport extremely popular. The spor ...
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分享 即将来华交流的匈牙利骑射校长
arsalan 2012-1-29 14:35
Kassai Lajos – master bowyer and the founder of modern horseback archery He was born on 16th September 1960 in Kaposvár. In the middle of the eighties he was acting as a bow maker and was a successful competitor in field archery. Later on, he reconstructed the bow form the time of the ...
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分享 新西兰对中国人收购农场施加压力
arsalan 2012-1-29 12:31
新西兰对外国农场收购施加压力 新西兰在强烈反对中国竞标其最大的私有牧场之后,加大对其控制力度。 o 因担心中国对当地农场的收购不符合国家战略利益,新西兰计划加强对外国土地购买的控制。 这条新的规定源于香港上市的一家公司意图购买新西兰最大的私有牧场并遭到公众的强烈反对。 天然牧场 ...
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分享 2011的美国牛仔小姐选美大赛
arsalan 2012-1-26 13:48
  去年美国“罗德奥小姐”(即牛仔小姐)选美大赛在特拉维斯展览中心举办。参加这一选美的女孩子不但除了拥有美貌还得有熟练的牛仔农场技巧。 这次比赛一共有12名来自德克萨斯的佳丽参加。在为期三天的比赛中她们为了总奖金额高达25万美元的各个奖项展开角逐。 最后“罗德奥小姐”的桂冠 ...
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分享 Palomino horse~~文摘
arsalan 2012-1-26 01:43
Palomino horse~~文摘
Probably the most famous of Palomino horses is Trigger — Roy Rogers's horse. Trigger is often called "the smartest horse in movies" and there is no doubt about it — Trigger was one smart horse. Palomino horses, however, are not a distinct horse breed. The term "palomino" refers to color. Any bre ...
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分享 如何出售你的马匹——英文文摘
arsalan 2012-1-22 23:51
How To Sell Your Horse 1. The first step is making the decision and understanding that the decision to sell your horse is just as important as the decision to buy it was. You want to commit yourself to finding your horse the best possible home you can for a reasonable price and in a reasonable ...
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分享 买马前要问的20个问题--英文文摘
arsalan 2012-1-22 23:41
20 Questions to ask Before Buying Your Horse 1. What is the horses' gender? Stallion, mare or gelding. A stallion is an unaltered or intact male. They tend to be a bit more spirited and are not generally for beginning riders. Mares and geldings, or castrated males, are often gentler and more i ...
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