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Equestrian vaulting

热度 2已有 613 次阅读2012-2-7 10:12 |个人分类:转帖文章|

Vaulting is the one equestrian discipline where up to 8 people can compete with one horse at the same time. Also unlike other disciplines, it is not necessary for a team of vaulters to have their own horses, all the costs of keeping and competing a horse can be shared. This makes vaulting a wonderful discipline, since the considerable costs of equestrian competition can be reduced for each individual participating. Nevertheless, sponsorship is always welcome and would enable us to train judges and improve facilities to international standard, and set up vaulting in areas identifying potential vaulters.

Vaulting especially at the higher levels, is a dramatic and beautiful sport to watch and, like show jumping, can be enjoyed by spectators who are not experts.

Equestrian vaulting

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