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Taking your horse out on the road

热度 1已有 835 次阅读2012-5-16 22:32 |个人分类:转帖文章

Whilst riding your horse out on public roads, there are certain points to consider for your and your horse’s safety but also take into account all the other road users. The most important point is to never take out a horse into traffic that is not safe to ride on roads and gets nervous and scared. If you have a mobile phone, then always take it with you for emergencies and be aware of what is going on around you whilst you are riding at all times! Avoid rush hour so you will not irritate other road users and be courteous by thanking drivers who slow down and give you space as they pass you and your horse. If there are two or more riders, make sure you stay in single file where possible, just like cyclists should. Always ride on the left-hand side of the road and practice using hand signals to indicate your intention of turning left or right and signalling fast drivers to slow down. Make yourself visible by wearing a high visibility vest so drivers can spot you from a good distance and slow down in plenty of time.

These are just a few tips to follow, but if you have not ridden a horse on public roads before, it is always best to go for a ride with a more experienced rider until you become more confident.

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