阿尔萨兰 2014-12-24 23:57
环球马术叶婷娜Equestrian_Globe 发布于2014年12月24日 23:38 德国马术原则中包含了 2000 多年的知识和经验,这些知识和经验来源于在骑马、马匹维护和马行为等领域的众多科学研究。它为每一项马术运动项目中的骑手和马匹勾勒出一个全面的培训体系。德国的所有教练,骑手和官方裁判都在这一独 ...
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分享 9 Tips for a Long, Lovely Tail
阿尔萨兰 2014-12-19 15:02
9 Tips for a Long, Lovely Tail
from HH Follow these strategies, and you’ll help your horse grow the longest, most beautiful tail his genes will allow. Your horse’s tail length and thickness depend on four main factors: nutrition, environment, the care you provide, and genes. You can’t change his DNA, but b ...
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分享 八骏
阿尔萨兰 2014-12-14 11:42
以谓周穆王之八骏马。《穆天子传》卷一:“天子之骏:赤骥、盗骊、白义、逾轮、山子、渠黄、华骝绿耳。”郭璞注:“八骏,皆因其毛色以为名号。”晋王嘉《拾遗记》卷三则云:“(穆)王驭八龙之骏:一名绝地,足不践土,二名翻羽,行越飞禽;三名奔霄,夜行万里;四名超影,逐日而行;五名逾辉,毛色炳耀;六名超光,一行十 ...
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分享 Feeding for winter
阿尔萨兰 2014-12-13 10:41
Winter can be a tricky time of year, good doers are feeling hungry but shouldn't have too many calories and other horses may be prone to weight loss. Here are 5 tips to help you this season. 1. Seek advice If you are at all unsure about your horse's diet this winter call the feed helpline of a ...
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分享 论秦汉时期中华民族的马文化
阿尔萨兰 2014-11-24 21:02
秦原本为我国古代部落之一,相传是伯益的后代。非子做部落首领时,居于犬丘(今陕西兴平东南),受游牧民族戎狄之马文化习俗的影响颇深,非子以善畜马而逐渐兴盛起来。《史记·秦本纪》记载非子居犬丘,很善于养马而美名远扬,“犬丘人言之周孝王,孝王召使主马于汧渭之间,马大蕃息”。于是周孝王把秦地(今甘肃张家川东 ...
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分享 马类知识介绍
阿尔萨兰 2014-11-8 08:42
(一)说马 Say a horse 马,从田野走来,从神话里走来,从竞技中走来。 Horse, since the countryside walked, from the myth in walk, walked from the tournament. 当它矫健的身姿风尘仆仆地跨越千年,奔向我们的时候, 毫无疑问,马,是人类无言的朋友。 When its robust body Zi hard journey ground crosses ...
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分享 马类知识介绍
阿尔萨兰 2014-11-8 08:42
(一)说马 Say a horse 马,从田野走来,从神话里走来,从竞技中走来。 Horse, since the countryside walked, from the myth in walk, walked from the tournament. 当它矫健的身姿风尘仆仆地跨越千年,奔向我们的时候, 毫无疑问,马,是人类无言的朋友。 When its robust body Zi hard journey ground crosses ...
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阿尔萨兰 2014-11-8 00:16
10 DRESSAGE TIPSTen tips to help you improve your dressage scores. Every time you trot into the dressage arena at a show, you have the opportunity to impress the judge and win points. You also have the chance to lose points for silly things like lumpy circles or crooked lines. Preparatio ...
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分享 马术运动 障碍赛花式骑术等英语词汇
阿尔萨兰 2014-11-5 09:21
奥运英语体育词汇 马术运动 障碍赛花式骑术等 Equestrian 人员 障碍赛 花式骑术 赛马马球运动赌马步法 马匹场地旗手装备饲养与调教 1.马术运动:equestriansport 2.马术比赛:equestriancompetition event 3.障碍赛:hurdlerace; (steeple) chase 4.超越障碍赛: showjumping 5. ...
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分享 从育马到育人——与驯马大师韦恩·卢卡斯的对话
阿尔萨兰 2014-10-31 00:23
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