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分享 2011年世界纯血马排名前十位!
2012-4-3 11:49
World Thoroughbred Rankings Top 10 horses in 2011 1.Frankel (GB) 136 GB 范高爾 1600米 三岁无敌马王 2. Black Caviar (AUS) 132 AUS ...
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分享 迷你马喂养建议
2012-3-31 16:42
Feeding Recommendations for Miniature Horses Management Considerations for Miniature Horses Because of their small size, miniature horses are easy to overfeed and this can cause obesity. Obesity in horses can cause founder, decreased performance and decreased reproductive efficiency. F ...
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分享 为什么用迷你马当导盲马?
2012-3-28 21:36
Believe it or not, miniature horses have been trained to assist the blind in the same manner dogs are used to assist the blind. The advantage of a miniature horse is they have a much longer lifespan than a dog. While an assistance dog might only be in service for 6 years, a miniature horse can be ...
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分享 有着装要求的赛马会
2012-3-26 15:12
您要是不按要求穿,可别怪人家不让你进门。 英国国家赛马大会 Aintree Races 始于1836年,在利物浦附近的安特利赛马场举行。这家赛马场有30道栅栏。现如今这里少了一些皇室的气息,成为实业家和名流的聚会。 着装要求:三件套西服 皇家阿斯科特赛马大会 Royal Ascot 这也就是最为知名的“花12英镑看英国女王 ...
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分享 为什么要侧骑?
2012-3-25 02:08
A very safe way to ride Elegant Fun Another discipline for you and your horse to try Can improve your astride riding It is easier to ride a horse that pulls as your seat is very secure and strong
个人分类: 原创|587 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 好玩的东西太多了
2012-3-25 00:28
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分享 侧骑注意身体的几个部位才能优雅
2012-3-24 23:00
The first important point about position on a side-saddle is that the rider should look elegant. (It is not always simple!) Roger Philpot, one of the best teacher says: "Think elegant". 1. The rider should look exactly the same as the astride rider when viewed form behind. In oth ...
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分享 在香港,马主们通过买马确立社会地位
2012-3-23 20:10
在香港,马主们通过买马确立社会地位、建立社交空间。马主以阔绰的姿态买下名驹,并且通过香港赛马会,将马的价值在香港这块土地上充分地体现出来。很多会员不仅爱玩赛马,爱骑马,他们也会在香港马会的骑师学校练习骑术。毕竟,骑马善驾,素来是上流生活的一种代表。从古至今,中西社会,皆是如此。 ...
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分享 南美女牛仔世界锦标赛
2012-3-21 15:39
Women from nine countries including The United states put on a great show, and demonstrated some serious skill in a sport that is largely dominated by men.The new champion crowned was Maura Braidy from Columbia. From bull roping, barrel jumping, bareback riding and horse races these extraordinary w ...
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分享 骑乘训练八大要素
2012-3-21 00:10
骑乘训练八大要素:1、韵律;2、柔软;3、受衔;4、弹发;5、透过性;6、正直性;7、收缩;8、自我承载。初级的骑手应该着重于“韵律”、“柔软”与“受衔”等要素。每一个要素前后相关、循序渐进,不可能在没有做到一个要素时直接跳到下一个要素,对骑手而言是如此,对马匹而言也是如此。 ...
个人分类: 转帖文章|667 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 2