Horse swims 11km



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Horse swims 11km off Brisbane after dumping his rider

REBEL Rover may well be the best named racehorse in Australia, after he dumped his rider and swam 11km in Moreton Bay.

The bizarre sequence of events began off Sandgate, north of Brisbane, on Thursday.

Rebel Rover, who is described as “crazy” by his trainer Brad Smith, escaped from jockey Jackson Morris and then spent two hours in the bay before being rescued by a crew including Volunteer Marine Rescue and Brisbane Water Police.

The horse tried to escape again as he neared landfall, but Morris averted another disaster by keeping a tight grip on him, by this time with an intrigued crowd looking on.

But Rebel Rover still had another surprise in his bag of tricks, ‘head-butting’ Smith’s father Gary and knocking him unconscious as he was being loaded onto the float.

“It was a very interesting morning to say the least,” Smith said.

“He’s not the type of horse to strike or kick, head-butting is more his go and he lined dad up and knocked him out cold.”

Happily, Smith’s father was discharged from hospital on Friday morning.

As for Rebel Rover, he was as bright as a button on Friday, still in a playful mood after returning to his box.

“He was pig-rooting and bucking like it was one big adventure,” Smith said.

“He must have the lung capacity of an absolute freak. Normally horses would give up after about 15 minutes, but he still had all that energy even after the two hours.

“He’s been a bit of a problem horse. He’s had two barrier bars and he can be difficult to work on the track. Jackson has a good affinity with him, but the horse is crazy. It doesn’t take much to startle him and that’s what happened yesterday. He just turned around, flipped Jackson off and started swimming.

“Jackson went out with the rescue team and actually dived into the bay to bring him back closer to the boat. He did an amazing job.”

Smith hopes he can finish the adventurous 48 hours on a high when his promising horse Sharpe Hussler runs at Doomben tomorrow.

Off the back of a highly impressive last start Ipswich win, Sharpe Hussler has been marked favourite.

“He was a very immature horse and took a long time to put it all together,” Smith said.

“He always showed the ability but was doing a lot wrong and really had no idea.

“Now he’s grown up he is living up to what we always hoped.”

近日,在澳大利亚布里斯班海滩训练的速度赛马Rebel Rover与大海进行了一场“亲密接触”。在海滩训练时,它受到惊吓失控跑向海中,直到两个小时后才被海警搜救上船,在这段时间内,Rebel Rover在大海中游行的距离达到11公里。

  事故发生在布里斯班的桑盖特海滩(Sandgate beach),当时Rebel Rover正在齐胸高的海水中进行跑步训练,然而由于受到海浪的惊吓,它挣脱了训练师的控制,独自跑向深海中。

  最终,这匹五岁的赛马被当地的海警救起并送往航海急救中心。“我们发现它的时候,它还在四米深的水中畅快地游着。”航海急救中心的志愿者Glen Philip说道。据了解,Rebel Rover是一匹脾气极烈的赛马,它有着一系列的“闯祸记录”。

  据训练师Brad Smith透露,Rebel Rover是匹会游泳的马,“但我没想到它游得这么好。普通的马在海水中游20分钟也就快到极限,Rebel Rover却能游上两个小时,它的肺活量和体力真让人吃惊。”

  据了解,在Rebel Rover参加过的12场正式赛马比赛中,它拿下了三场比赛的冠军。



美国菜 发表于 2016-2-27 09:44:56
Rebel Rover was being trained in chest-high water at Sandgate beach when he unseated his rider and headed deeper.
The five-year-old gelding was picked up by the Brisbane Water Police and a marine rescue unit.
"He was in about four metres of water and he was swimming quite freely," said Volunteer Marine Rescue's Glen Philip.
Rebel Rover, with a track record of misdemeanours, has only recently made a comeback after being banned for misbehaving in the stalls.


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汗半血 发表于 2016-2-26 17:32:23


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