
2013-1-8 17:17| 发布者: 桂丹丹| 查看: 707| 评论: 0|原作者: 蓝精灵

摘要: 马通常高扬起头,紧闭着嘴,通过鼻子呼气。强劲的呼气在鼻孔里产生一个振动或扑动的声音。鼾音持续大约1秒钟,可在30英尺开外听到。

The Snort  鼾音

The horse usually holds his head high while exhaling through the nose with his mouth shut. The strong exhale creates a vibration or flutter sound in the nostrils. The snort lasts about 1 second. The snort can be heard up to 30 feet away.


"There may be danger" or "Is this dangerous?" - The horse snorts, followed by an intense stare at the object his unsure about.

“可能有危险吧。”或者“这个有没有危险啊?”-- 这匹马发出鼾音,紧盯着他所不确定的东西。


"It's not dangerous" - The horse relaxes and/or ignores the thing that he questioned.


"It's dangerous, I better leave!" - The horse tenses up and shies away from the danger.



The Blow 喷鼻息

The blow is much like the snort. The horse exhales through his nose with his mouth shut. The blow does not create the vibrating or fluttering noise that the snort does. It is usually used when a horse is curious, or when the horse meets another. The strength of the blow and body movements that follow will tell you what the horse is saying.


1。"Are you a friend?" - Two horses meet nose to nose and blow on each other. During this, the two horses will tell each other if they are friends or foes.


Responses: 回应:

"I am your friend" - The horses continue blowing gently followed by other gentle actions such as nuzzling the others' coat. “

”我是你的好朋友。”  --然后 继续轻轻地吹着,接着做其他友好的动作,如替对方挠痒。

"I am not your friend, get away!" - One or both of the horses nip at the other and/or stomp the front feet, strike out or squeal.

“我才不是你的朋友,滚!” -- 一方或双方便开始互相掐咬,打起来,跑开或尖叫。

2。"What is this?" - The horse blows towards an object it is curious about, usually something new that he has never seen before.

”这是啥?”-- 这匹马对着好奇的东西喷鼻息,通常这个东西是它从没见过的。


"It's okay" - The horse relaxes and nudges or ignores the object.

“这没什么。” -- 马放松下来,然后轻推或忽略这个东西。

"It's dangerous" - The horse tenses up and/or shies away from the object.



The Nicker 嘶叫

The horse creates a vibrating sound with his mouth closed, from his vocal cords. The strength and tone of the nicker vary greatly, and will tell you what the horse is saying.


1。"Hello, good to see you" - The horse nickers fairly quietly, and moves toward the other horse or person who he is nickering to.
“你好,很高兴见到你!”-- 马匹轻轻嘶叫着接近另一匹马或人 。

2。"Hi, beautiful!" or "Woo Hoo, you're sexy!" - Usually said by a stallion. This nicker is slightly more intense than the one above, with mating in mind, and accomodated by shaking of the head.


3。"Come closer" - This sound is most usually made by a mare to her foal. It is much softer and quieter than the "hello" nicker. This nicker is usually accomodated by a nudge from the horse's nose (usually towards her flanks to protect her foal from danger). 


The Neigh or Whinny    嘶鸣

The Neigh starts out as a squeal, but ends up as a nicker. The neigh is the loudest and longest of the horse sounds. The neigh is not a sound of fear. It is used when a horse is being separated from others. 


"Is anyone else here?" - The horse neighs with his head high, looking around for other horses or people. The horse usually neighs several times (if the horse neighs after a companion has answered his neigh, he is usually saying "Where are you" )



"I am here" - A returned neigh made by a fellow horse who hears the original horse's question. This response is also a neigh, meant to tell the other horse that he's not alone.



The Squeal 尖叫

The horse usually squeals with his mouth closed. The squeal can be short and quiet or loud and long. The squeal can be heard far away if the horse squeals loud enough.


"Don't Push Me!" or "I don't want to!" - The horse squeals while backing off, or sometimes aggressively approaching the object that is pushing or forcing him.

“别搡我!”或者“我不!”-- 马在躲避时发出尖叫,或有时候被惹急反过来对付推搡、逼它的东西时发出尖叫。


The Scream高声尖叫/咆哮

The scream sounds like a loud roar of rage. It is very rare to hear a domesticated horse scream. It is only used during a fight between two horses, usually only in the wild.


"I will kill you" - The horse roars at another horse, moving towards the other horse aggresively, striking out and/or biting.“

"我要杀了你!” --一匹马对着另一匹吼道,怒气冲冲地冲向它,咬它。


"The fight is on!" - Both horses move towards eachother aggressively, striking, kicking and biting. This continues until one of the two horses backs down.

“战斗开始了!”--两匹马气势汹汹地冲向对方, 连踢带咬,直到一匹马败下阵来。

"You are the boss" or "You win" - The horse backs down, with his tail set low, running away from the other horse's threat.


